DocFly’s Online PDF Splitter -
How to Split a PDF File

Splitting PDFs has never been easier.

Drag & drop PDF file here

Click to upload file

secure pdf upload Your files stay private. Secure file uploading by HTTPS.

How to separate PDF pages with our free PDF splitter online:


Step 1: Upload File

Drag the PDF file you wish to split on to the dropzone above, or click Upload to choose a file from your computer.

Option A

Step 2 Option A: Split PDF with Extract PDF Pages tool

If you want to split PDF files by extracting pages from PDF files while still keeping the original PDF file intact, use the Extract PDF Pages tool.

First check (or tick) the box to the left of your file name. Then choose the Edit tab, then Remove Pages. Click on Extract Pages. This will launch the Extract Pages wizard. Choose the range of pages you want to remove from PDF to begin splitting up your PDF File.

screenshot of free PDF splitter from PDF Pro
Option B

Step 2 Option B: Split PDF by Extracting & Deleting Pages

Split your PDF by deleting them from the original file by using the Remove Pages feature.

First check (or tick) the box to the left of your file name and choose the original PDF file. Then choose the Edit tab, then Remove Pages. Click on Delete Pages to choose the range of pages you wish to delete.

split pdf online

How to split a pdf into multiple files

Although splitting a PDF into separate PDF files is not one of the most common edits, it certainly can be useful. With our service you can choose exactly which pages from your PDF you wish to separate. You also have the option to split PDFs multiple times if you need to divide it into more than two documents. We have made our software with the user in mind, so that in only two steps you can split PDF pages. No hassle or payment required. Gone too split happy or already have a pretty fragmented file? Don’t worry. You can also merge PDF filesinto one with DocFly as well.

The easiest way to Split PDF online from DocFly

Quickly Separate PDF Pages

Looking for a way to quickly split or extract pages from a PDF? Look no further than DocFly! With our free online tool, you’ll be able to split PDF pages in less than a minute.

When to Split PDF Pages

Only need to share specific pages from a PDF file? It's simple to do with DocFly’s PDF Page Splitter tool. Get around sending lengthy files with extraneous, or potentially private, information.

All the PDF Tools You Need

DocFly offers all the tools you need to create, edit, merge and protect your PDF files. It's a complete suite of easy-to-use tools that will help you get your work done faster.

Secure upload and file storage

All file uploading to our PDF separator is encrypted via HTTPS to safeguard your content. Files are stored in a secured database managed by Amazon Cloud hosting. You can delete your files from our system anytime.

Access files from anywhere

DocFly is an online service and is accessible via any device connected to the internet. You can access your file from your home, the office or anywhere else.

Always up to date

DocFly is on the cloud, so whenever you access the site, you're accessing the latest version of the software. No lengthy updates - or software downloads - required.

Ready to split PDF files?

screenshot of pdfsplit upload button