How to Extract Pages from a PDF
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Learn how to extract pages from PDF in 3 easy steps
Upload file
Drag your PDF file on to the dropzone above, or click Upload to choose a file from your computer.
Extract pages from PDF
First check (or tick) the box to the left of your file name.
Then choose the Edit tab in the top left corner of the screen.
Then click Remove Pages followed by Extract Pages in the dropdown list. This will launch the Extract Pages wizard. You can choose what range of pages you wish to extract from your PDF file.
Download your file
Get 3 Free downloads of your PDF file. Sign up for a monthly or annual subscription for unlimited downloads.
If you frequently edit PDFs, you are going to need to have the ability to extract pages from a PDF file. For example, you may be dealing with a large document but only want to send specific pages to another person. Rather than sending the entire file, you can remove select pages and create a new file. Fortunately, extracting pages from PDFs only takes a few steps. Below we outline how to extract pages from PDFs online using DocFly.
The easiest way to extract pages from PDF online
Quickly Extract Pages From PDF
Looking for a way to quickly remove pages from a PDF? Look no further than DocFly! With our free online tool, you’ll be able to remove pages in less than a minute.
When to Extract PDF Pages
Removing a page from PDF is simple with DocFly. Why send the entire file when you only want to share one page? Now, it's fast and simple to do with our PDF extract tool.
All the PDF Tools You Need
DocFly offers all the tools you need to create, edit, merge and protect your PDF files. It's a complete suite of easy-to-use tools that will help you get your work done faster.
Secure upload and file storage
All file uploading is encrypted via HTTPS to safeguard your content. Files are stored in a secured database managed by Amazon Cloud hosting. You can delete your files from our system anytime.
Access files from anywhere
DocFly is an online service and is accessible via any device connected to the internet. You can access your file from your home, the office or anywhere else.
Always up to date
DocFly is on the cloud, so whenever you access the site, you're accessing the latest version of the software. No lengthy updates - or software downloads - required.